Remarks, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea

  • Transcript (E&OE)
Subjects: Visit to the site of the landslide in Enga Province.

Penny Wong, Foreign Minister: We bring greetings and sympathy from the people Australia, and we have a message, which is – we stand with you.

As soon as we heard about this disaster, we spoke Prime Minister Albanese to Prime Minister Marape, the Deputy Prime Minister to Deputy Prime Minister Rosso, me to Foreign Minister Tkatchenko. We said, you tell us what you need us to do. We are here for you.

So I'm pleased that we were able to give, initially, first bit, $2.5 million Australian for humanitarian aid and today I announce here for you another $2.2 million to help fix Highlands Highway and for learning packs for children so you can study and to help get the maternity hospital wards fixed up again.

So that is our next for you, but it is not our last lot of help. Because we understand. I look around here, I see sadness, and I am so sorry for your loss. But I also see hope. I also see hope, and we will be with you as you make that hope real.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

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